There are many reasons to choose a private sailing charter in Hawaii.
You may never know why you go or how it will change you, but listen to this: last night my sunset cruise (repeat) clients said: last time, after their cruise with me, they went home and took up the boating life! Yep, they went and bought a boat! And have spent the last 4 years cruising the Chesapeake. I was thrilled to hear this. I am not saying after you sail with me you will go buy a boat. After all, the best boat to have is someone else’s. 🙂
What’s so thrilling about a boating lifestyle?
It’s not just romance but you sure can find that. It’s not just freedom but you sure will find that. It’s not just sunsets but you sure will soak them in…maybe even see the green flash. It’s not just rainbows but they will deliver your pot of gold. It’s not just hands on the wheel but YES, the wheel is yours. These are just glimpses of the boating life. Whether you are a sailor or a power boater, at the end of the day, it’s the magic there. You’ve sailed or powered to an anchorage far from everyday life. And this is therapy at its best.

Sign up today for your private sailing charter in Hawaii with Sail Blue Hawaii.