- Celebrate Dad!. On Sunday, I had the delight of taking a family of six out on an eight-hour privater sailing charter. “Eight hours?’ you say “way too long”. Yes for many, but not this family. The day dawned glorious and with flat seas and light wind we throw off the bowlines and sailed south without a care in the world. As the private sailing charter progressed, the winds increased but stayed moderate even outside the notorious Diamond Head windline. What a spectacular day. “This was my best Father’s Day yet. Mahalo for making it so special”. My pleasure!
2. Celebrate LOVE. Last week, at sunset, John brought his girlfriend aboard Kaikiwi for their very own private sailing charter. It was a surprise for her but that wasn’t the only surprise she was getting that evening. There was a ring involved. Just before sunset, he got down on his knee ( a hard thing to do on a moving sail boat) and proposed. She said “YES!!” You too can make your proposal the highlight of your lifetime by choosing a private sunset cruise. Sailing is the most romantic type of boating.
Check out my Tube channel for an idea of how to propose aboard your private sailing charter:
A birthday surprise sailing charter will be remembered forever
3. Celebrate a birthday. Carmen called me to book a private sailing charter as a surprise for her husband’s birthday and what a surprise it was. He had tears in his eyes as he boarded Kaikiwi. He had always wanted to sail, had watched videos and talked about it as a dream but never thought he could have it. Carmen made it happen and they will be back for more sailing.
4. Celebrate your Hawaii vacation. Perhaps you have never sailed before and the thought of it is hugely outside your comfort zone. An easy boat tour may be all you want and I can certainly accommodate that. Whether or not we raise sail, we can do an easy boat tour up the coast to check out the island of Oahu from a different angle and her marine life! Just explain your booking needs when you call and you will be completely taken care of.
5. Celebrate life. If you are a serious sailor, a full sail private sailing charter is for you! Yes, this is where we go full out, heel over and let the wind take Kaikiwi to her finest sailing ability. She is a perfect sailing machine for Hawaii waters.
Give Sail Blue Hawaii a call for all your boating needs and you will have your own private sailing charter customized just for you.