Definition of romance: chartering your private yacht to propose to your loved one while in Hawaii. Imagine saying “YES” while sailing into the sunset.
Sail Sunset on Valentine’s Day
This Valentine’s Day was a highlight for me. I have been running private charters for many years now but this one stands out. The young couple, delighted in each other, chose to spend their time on the forward deck…what I call the “best seat in the house”. Not long into our sunset sail, a whale breeched, some distance from us but still out-of-this-world spectacular. We spent the two hours enjoying 2 whale groups as they swam and played in Mamala Bay. Honolulu, Hawaii. Humpback whale sighting rules are strict here: keep a minimum 100 yard distance and do not change direction to follow them. No worries! We just sailed our track and the whales theirs and the show went on. The couple I took sailing earlier in the day have been thrilled daily by whale sightings from their Waikiki lanai. But there is NOTHING better than seeing them from your Hawaii private yacht.
Dolphins too!
Yep. As if the humpbacks weren’t thrilling enough, the Hawaiian spinner dolphins came out to play. Usually in my sailing area, dolphins cruise by around 10 in the morning. So imagine the thrill of this huge pod swimming in Kaikiwi’s bow wake, frolicking and spinning all around us. WOW! As sunset came on, he asked, she said “YES”! How could you not after a show like this?

Sail Blue Hawaii
Call today for your Hawaii proposal at sea. It will stay with you for your lifetime.